The Change Control Board (CCB) Members and Research & Development (R&D) Team Members Work together. It’s the Global R&D Consultants Team that performs all the Research activities and Conduct Experiments that include Business Reviews Performed in APAC, MENA, North America, South America, the UK, and Europe.
The Consolidated Data and Reports need to be Published every quarter. The CCB’s Go/No-Go Meetings will be conducted Every Six Months. The approved topics and content have to be added to the Course Portfolio by the LAAU Digital Team.
The R&D Team has the right to approach the CCB Team to Conduct Ad-hoc meetings based on the quick market changes that can occur due to many reasons including a Global Pandemic.
As a Global Service Provider, the LAAU Accreditation Body also follows the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery of Courses that can fulfill the need of the Global Market.